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Roots of crime run deeper than just to criminals

Roots of crime run deeper than just to criminals

First off, I agree we do need to get tougher on crime as a community, meaning we need to provide better support as to not set people up for failure after incarceration, and hold all members of community accountable not just "the natives" or lower inc
Just a bit of tape

Just a bit of tape

Sometimes, all you need to perform incredible science is some paper and a pencil. And a piece of scotch tape.
Getting tough on crime may backfire

Getting tough on crime may backfire

Response to Bernard McKay's letter, "Time to get tough on crime." I strongly disagree with Mr. McKay's proposition that we need to get tough on crime in order to remove Prince George's infamous title as the "Worst City for Criminal Activity.
Bottoms up: drink what you like

Bottoms up: drink what you like

I am writing in response to an article that appeared in the Prince George Citizen on Saturday, Oct 23 entitled "Milk battle on between owners, Northern Health" which covers Northern Health's cease and desist order in regard to providing raw milk to c
Can you Hear the music

Can you Hear the music

In 64 AD, as Rome burned, historians tell us that Nero played the fiddle.
Genetically-modified salmon should be labelled

Genetically-modified salmon should be labelled

Genetically-modified (GM) salmon should be labeled. An article ran about labeling GM salmon on Sept. 21, 2010.
A terrible TV night for Campbell

A terrible TV night for Campbell

Paul Willcocks In Victoria That was a dismal effort on TV by Premier Gordon Campbell. Especially for an address that was crucial to rebuilding Liberal support and slowing the recall movement.
Wake up and smell the coffee Mr. Rogers

Wake up and smell the coffee Mr. Rogers

I have to write this letter after hearing our great mayor is now thinking about raising the price of business licences. I've noticed a trend since Mr. Rogers has become mayor of Prince George.
None of Your Business

None of Your Business

Harold Evans, former editor of the Times and Sunday Times of London once defined news as "something that someone doesn't want you to know".
Tip of the hat

Tip of the hat

In regards to the Prince George SPCA. This letter is written in support of the Prince George SPCA. As a volunteer dog walker, I have repeatedly observed a kind, caring attitude towards the many volunteers and animals.