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City snow removal a bit slushy

City snow removal a bit slushy

When the snow falls, and it soon will, the residents of this city expect trucks to roll in the same force they always have, and preferably greater.


The last hurrah
As I See It

As I See It

In 64 CE, as Rome burned, historians tell us that Nero played the fiddle.
Campbell's TV timing questionable

Campbell's TV timing questionable

On Feb. 18, 1982, at 7 p.m., B.C. Premier Bill Bennett went on BCTV to speak to the province. He was the first B.C. premier to use television in this way, taking advantage of the huge provincial audience that tuned into the hour-long 6 p.m.
Similkameen Valley offering pairs well with leg of lamb

Similkameen Valley offering pairs well with leg of lamb

Doug Jamieson Pairings This week's article is going to focus on a wine from the Similkameen Valley, next-door neighbour to the Okanagan Valley.
Helium in short supply

Helium in short supply

In the discussion of non-renewable resources, petroleum is the big player, however, it is definitely not the only one. Earlier this year, the U.S. National Research Council predicted the world may run out of helium within as little as 40 years.
Gonna grow me a ‘mo’

Gonna grow me a ‘mo’

Jack Knox Slightly Skewed "Honey, where's my skinny leather tie?" "You left it in the downstairs closet." "How about my Frankie Say Relax T-shirt?" "You left it in the 1980s." Time to turn back the clock, boys. Going retro, gonna grow me a mo.
Last laugh will be on taxpayer

Last laugh will be on taxpayer

Another poll and Campbell is poleaxed yet again.
From the pastures of Down Under - leg of lamb

From the pastures of Down Under - leg of lamb

I find just hearing the word spring makes me think about the freshest, tastiest most succulent lamb available.
Don't sugar coat the death of a pet

Don't sugar coat the death of a pet

The death of a pet is tough enough for us but it is often the first experience a child has with death and the grieving process. How one handles that sensitive situation is important. Honesty is the key word.