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Setting the minister straight

Setting the minister straight

I suppose students, parents, and educators throughout British Columbia should be appreciative of our Minister of Education, Margaret MacDiarmid, taking time to "set the record straight" regarding the current state of educational funding.
Beware of the waters

Beware of the waters

Though very few Canadians are aware of it we are currently involved in a set of negotiations that have the potential to privatize public services including our water resources.
The many facets of the faucet

The many facets of the faucet

Water, water, every where, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, every where, Nor any drop to drink. That is a stanza from the Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel T. Coleridge.
Crime stats won't drop 'till' we smarten up

Crime stats won't drop 'till' we smarten up

While I applaud Mrs.
Privatizing everything, including our water

Privatizing everything, including our water

Privatizing Public and Municipal Services Though very few Canadians are aware of it we are currently involved in a set of negotiations that have the potential to privatize public services including our water resources.
Nice gesture not fishy at all

Nice gesture not fishy at all

Thank you to the kind and generous couple who paid for our fish and chips at Joey's Only last evening (Tuesday). It was a lovely gesture and made our evening. Thank you again. Maisie Minchin Prince George
Round and round

Round and round

The roundabout at the end of the new Cameron Street Bridge has been in operation for many months now. However, after seeing repeated breach of protocol, it seems that the proper use of the roundabout needs to be re-stated.
Do people believe words that come from the mouths of Liberal ministers?

Do people believe words that come from the mouths of Liberal ministers?

Re: Letter from Education Minister I just loved reading the letter in Saturday's paper from the education minister.
Proper use of the roundabout needs to be re-stated

Proper use of the roundabout needs to be re-stated

The roundabout at the end of the new Cameron Street Bridge has been in operation for many months now. However, after seeing repeated breach of protocol, it seems that the proper use of the roundabout needs to be re-stated.
Education funding not that simple

Education funding not that simple

I suppose students, parents, and educators throughout British Columbia should be appreciative of our Minister of Education, Margaret MacDiarmid, taking time to "set the record straight" regarding the current state of educational funding.