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Fair treatment

Fair treatment

RE: Sedan Samaritans' ICBC claim clouded, Prince George Citizen, Feb 11 2010, Page 3 Our top concerns at ICBC are to treat every customer fairly and to respect their privacy. These are absolutes by which we run our business.
Enough excuses

Enough excuses

I'm not unhappy with the kids, just the organization. Can we get a banner for the most losses? The last time the Cougars results were this similar was in 1989-90 in Victoria they played 72 games and lost 65.
Protest was about cuts

Protest was about cuts

I (as a protest organizer)just want everyone who is speaking against us to know that WE ARE NOT in any way protesting the Olympics, it's too late for that. We chose that location because it seems to be a symbolic location.
A red, a white and a chocolate, too

A red, a white and a chocolate, too

New vintages and wines continue to be introduced to our store. Last week, two wines arrived - Majella 'The Musician' and New Harbor Sauvignon Blanc - both are new and definitely worth trying.
B.C. looking to oust RCMP?

B.C. looking to oust RCMP?

B.C. Solicitor General Kash Heed is on a mission. It's an exploratory nibble at this point, but our top B.C. policeman is suggesting he may be gunning for a provincial police force to replace the RCMP. The current RCMP contract with B.C.
Enjoy the Olympics, but consider our future

Enjoy the Olympics, but consider our future

It has been said that the death of one person is a tragedy but the death of a million is a statistic.
No end to plastic?

No end to plastic?

Where does all our plastic go? Lets talk true recycling..paper, problem. I know I've been a recycler for a while now and have found all the plastics being collected (only milk jugs) are only stockpiled locally.
Roof gutters need to be resealed periodically

Roof gutters need to be resealed periodically

Q. We have aluminum gutters that constantly leak in the corners. I would like to attempt to repair them myself and need your advice as to what product and procedure I should use.
Kids take to pets like ducks to water

Kids take to pets like ducks to water

All too often couples are found surrendering pets to the SPCA Shelter because they are expecting a new baby. Pets are not disposable and with a bit of work pets and babies can live harmoniously.
Assistance after accident appreciated

Assistance after accident appreciated

I was involved in a car accident on Monday Jan. 25 between Sunhill Road and Old Cariboo Hwy. where I slid off the road and flipped onto the drivers side of my van. I never got to thank all the emergency personnel for their kind words and help.