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He smells fish

He smells fish

The revitalization of the downtown center is going into its 30th year with not much success.
Frivolous spending not ejoyable

Frivolous spending not ejoyable

I did not participate in any of the 'hoopla' surrounding having the Olympic torch run through Prince George; however, I did look out my window when I heard the thunder of the exploding fireworks overhead.
A look at some of the Canadians who will compete for Oscar this year

A look at some of the Canadians who will compete for Oscar this year

THE CANADIAN PRESS Here's a look at some of the Canadian connections at this year's Oscars, which will be handed out March 7: - Jason Reitman: Born in Montreal, Reitman has a shot at three Oscars.
Too many staff, but not too many teachers

Too many staff, but not too many teachers

I felt it necessary to write and clarify some of the points made in your recent editorial, "Unneeded Staff?".
Enough is enough

Enough is enough

When will Prince George hockey community say enough is enough with the management of the Prince George Cougars. I blame yet another losing season totally on Dallas Thompson and the Prince George media for not putting more pressure on management.
How does HST help seniors?

How does HST help seniors?

I suppose my question to those in the HST cheering section is: How exactly does this benefit seniors, particularly those on fixed incomes? Obviously it is reassuring to know that various services will be exempt, but the cost of those services have co
Minimum wage should be $10

Minimum wage should be $10

It's time our government raised the minimum wage to $10 per hour so worker's do not have to rely on tips to eke out a living. BC's minimum wage ($8/hr frozen since 2001) falls behind other Canadian provinces.
Priorities appear to be skewed

Priorities appear to be skewed

I am writing in regards to, two stories in The Citizen, of the Jan. 26 issue.
Greying population has direct link to school closures

Greying population has direct link to school closures

A few weeks ago, I threw out some suggestions for newsmakers of the coming decade and the biggest development I saw in my crystal ball for the next 10 years in Prince George was the effects of an aging population.
Library event was wonderful

Library event was wonderful

My children and I participated in the fun carnival at the library on Saturday. It was very well organized and we all had a great afternoon. It is always appreciated to have such community oriented library and its great staff.