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A rusty mess!

A rusty mess!

What's with the rusty things in the Gateway across the street from the new accommodations for the seniors. Looks like a rusty mess to me.
Whitcombe column off target

Whitcombe column off target

Re: Todd Whitcombe column. Really, Todd, I thought you were more intelligent than that. To believe the RCMP is fair over the long gun registry is the same as believing they are fair when they're investigating themselves.
Some shotson target

Some shotson target

Todd Whitcombe erroneously compares gun licensing in Canada, to that of dogs, drivers, cars, etc. None of those things are so enshrined in federal law as is gun licensing and registration.
Spruce Kings coverage blasted

Spruce Kings coverage blasted

I would like to know why there is not a better coverage on the Spruce Kings hockey team. Today's coverage consisted of one picture and a few lines.
Let’s hear it for traditional school

Let’s hear it for traditional school

Since School District 57's vote on the district sustainability report last spring, Central Fort George traditional school has been in limbo, leaving parents and children in a state of frustration and uncertainty, making families unsure whether or not
Reader offended

Reader offended

Re: The prose of the prostitute. I assume the letter in Saturday's paper "the prose of the prostitute" was intended as humour. I found it in poor taste and offensive to read.
Evening in Pink inspiring

Evening in Pink inspiring

Wow, what a great event! Thanks to Monica Peacock and all the volunteers and businesses in this city that made this such an inspiring evening. My daughter (very young) was diagnosed with breast cancer 2009.
Reader is not a fan of B.C. New Democrats

Reader is not a fan of B.C. New Democrats

The New Democrtic Party - what a laugh! NDP are really reaching for the bottom of the barrel now - reality politics. Is this the only good idea they have left. I think we are in a lot of trouble if the NDP want to run the province.
Get ready to Thai one on in the kitchen

Get ready to Thai one on in the kitchen

The taste of balance finds its ultimate expression in the Thai kitchen. It's where it makes the country's cuisine as much of a unique national treasure as its dances, textiles, courtly arts, and sacred temples. But balance doesn't mean bland.
Long-gun registry only start of licence abolition

Long-gun registry only start of licence abolition

Stephen Harper's right. I am tired of being "treated like a criminal." For me, it all started when I was 16. I was photographed. My personal details were recorded. And I was forced to carry around a card identifying me.