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Why does it take two people to do the job of one?

Why does it take two people to do the job of one?

Re: City Fiscal Responsibility It never ceases to amaze me how our city seems to misuse our tax dollars. On a regular basis, the coin boxes for the pay parking lots are emptied, which is of course a necessary job.
Recall campaign used as springboard

Recall campaign used as springboard

Chat Moats thumbs nose at recall petition rules, but will use publicity for candidacy
Sidewalk shock

Sidewalk shock

In regards to the article published on Wednesday about sidewalks, it shocks me that there is no money budgeted for sidewalk repair. This is insane. It seems that the powers that be never walk. Too busy giving themselves raises for the "work" they do.
If not a performing arts centre...

If not a performing arts centre...

I recently attended a Judy Russell dance recital at Vanier Hall. Over three days we experienced about twelve hours of wonderful entertainment. These three days proved to me how much we need a performing arts center in Prince George.
Grateful for care

Grateful for care

I recently had to take my seven-month-old baby to the emergency room at the P.G. hospital and I was terrified. The nurses, security guards and doctor were caring, kind and helpful and I want to say how grateful I am for that.
The liberation of Holland

The liberation of Holland

This is in reply to Jerry Wessel's letter to the editor from June 4/11.
Learning how to cook made easy at CNC

Learning how to cook made easy at CNC

The following column is written by Melanie Rose Arscott, a 2011 graduate of CNC's professional cook program. My experience with the professional cook program at CNC certainly was interesting.
Father's Day

Father's Day

Though I am far away from our children on this special family weekend, I am extremely aware of what it means to be a father to the four of them. Every stage of fatherhood has a very special appeal and this present stage for me is no exception.
Forget socialist experiments

Forget socialist experiments

Right Side Up
As I see it

As I see it

I have mentioned before that my very first co-op work term during university was doing research. I spent the better part of a year working out the details of a synthetic route to anthraquinone.