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Never knew dust could smell so bad

Never knew dust could smell so bad

Road dust, eh? If this is the main cause of P.G.'s air quality problems, why are we consistently the worst in the country and why does this road dust smell so bad? Laurie Cook MD Prince George
Easter message is one of hope

Easter message is one of hope

Paul Berteig Timbers Community Church You matter! This weekend we celebrated Good Friday. Jesus sacrificial death on the cross, and Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, and the empty tomb.
Politician laments lack of charge

Politician laments lack of charge

I felt I needed to respond to the editorial in the March 31 Prince George Citizen regarding the gaming centre.
Reporter only slightly better than grave robber

Reporter only slightly better than grave robber

Went to the school career day this week.
The forgotten class

The forgotten class

The Duchess Park Reunion Organization I read with interest the Duchess Park school reunion insert in last Saturday's paper, but there is a slight flaw in the history presented in this article.
Clinton's attitude restokes doubts about Afghanistan

Clinton's attitude restokes doubts about Afghanistan

As the U.S. secretary of state, the influence of Hillary Clinton can be felt in every corner of the earth, but even the former senator couldn't have guessed the shadow she cast over the Prince George cemetery this week. The Tuesday burial of Cpl.
Enbridge Gateway Pipeline Proposal

Enbridge Gateway Pipeline Proposal

In the 1970's Justice Thomas Berger was of the opinion that the MacKenzie Delta pipeline project should be delayed until the Aboriginal people living in the area had their land claims completed, thereby giving them actual power and ownership when con
Politics has left Ignatieff behind

Politics has left Ignatieff behind

Federal Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff held a little get-together last week with 300 of his closest friends. The think-tank-cum-bun-toss was titled "Canada at 150," a reference to the 150th anniversary of Canadian Confederation in 2017.
Furlong remembered

Furlong remembered

Before he was Vancouver/Whistler Olympic CEO, or even before he was the recreation officer for our city, John Furlong was my teacher, my guardian and my mentor who inspired my passion for sport, basketball in particular.
Why can’t The Citizen have a column about local food production

Why can’t The Citizen have a column about local food production

I was disappointed to see an article on Alberta lamb, when we have local shepherds producing lamb, largely for the Prince George market.