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Malaspina students sharpen minds with writing

Malaspina students sharpen minds with writing

All Around Our Schools Today, Malaspina elementary school will be involved in a "writing celebration day." Malaspina has made it a school focus to enhance the writing skills and strategies of all its students.
CIS: UNBC must do more homework

CIS: UNBC must do more homework

Being a long time resident and active-participant in the local athletic community in Prince George I am disappointed with the announcement that UNBC was denied in its application to join the CIS.
Taxpayers taken to cleaners

Taxpayers taken to cleaners

Hansen takes on Elections B.C. because he claims that the anti-HST and the NDP have mislead the people of B.C. How about we ask Elections B.C. to disqualify the Liberal government because they misled the people of B.C. during the last election.
The good anti-HST fight goes on

The good anti-HST fight goes on

Wow, 21 days into the 90-day "Fight the HST" grassroots campaign aimed at collecting 300,000 signatures, or 10 per cent of registered B.C. voters, and more than 145,000 have signed the petition. Keep up the steam B.C.
Think positive, there’s plenty of it in our town

Think positive, there’s plenty of it in our town

Every day as I walk through life I hear all the negatives about Prince George; our potholes, our less desirable citizens, wasteful amounts of money being spent on renovations to city hall.
Forget potholes and revitalization, crime is rampant in Prince George

Forget potholes and revitalization, crime is rampant in Prince George

I have recently read "letters to the editor" about things like potholes and downtown revitalization. All of which, would be lovely if they could be fixed. I don't enjoy driving over potholes but, whatever, I can manage.
B.C. appears stuck with HST

B.C. appears stuck with HST

While the B.C. Liberals have tried to frame the drive to sales tax harmonization as a one-way street, there is one instance of a Canadian province heading down that particular road, then reversing direction.
Grilled salmon tastes great with a glass of Chenin Blanc

Grilled salmon tastes great with a glass of Chenin Blanc

Pairings Chef Louis Richer The Loire Valley is the largest wine producing region of France, the Chenin Blanc being one of the most characteristic varietals of the region.
New resident had no trouble finding a doctor

New resident had no trouble finding a doctor

As a new resident of P.G. my partner and I have been looking for a doctor. My partner can not find one but when he noticed that I had a growth on my lip he immediately started to go through the phone book looking for a doctor.


It's all about leadership. In this case, an exhibited lack of it.