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Citizen should be complemented

Citizen should be complemented

One should certainly complement The Citizen on their investigative reporting especially on what goes on a City Hall. Your reporting of their hiring, wage and staffing excesses seems to go unnoticed by the Mayor and city councillors.
The fog of war politics

The fog of war politics

If you are one of those individuals labouring under the mistaken belief that Canadian foreign policy is made in Ottawa, instead of Washington or Brussels (NATO HQ), last week's shameful announcement by Stephen Harper should convince you otherwise.
Water, energy and you

Water, energy and you

I recently read an article entitled Water supply won't dry up: Canadian scientist that raises awareness about Canada's excessive water use. Canada is one of the richest nations in the world when it comes to fresh water supply.
Cold weather canbe lethal to pets

Cold weather canbe lethal to pets

With the onset of the recent freezing cold temperatures, the SPCA telephone has been ringing off the hook with calls about dogs left out in the cold. We simply must use extra caution in protecting our pets at this time.
Ding, dong. It's your Avon lady calling

Ding, dong. It's your Avon lady calling

This is certainly a letter of appreciation worth 100 per cent recognition and I request that you publish it. I was absent when my Avon lady dropped by with the latest magazine editions. Not only did she shovel my walkway but driveway as well.
Why fewer impaired drivers are ending up in court

Why fewer impaired drivers are ending up in court

Doesn't that drive you MADD. A recent story in the Nanaimo Daily News says fewer people are being charged with drunk driving since the new laws came in to effect in September. It's not because the new law is working so well.
Carbon offset claw backs and highest funding ever.

Carbon offset claw backs and highest funding ever.

This school year our local school board, like all public bodies, will have part of their funding clawed back to offset the costs of their carbon emissions. Locally the amount will be between $200,000 and $225,000.
Racism comes in many forms

Racism comes in many forms

This is a letter to the lady I encountered at the Hadih House on Nov. 12. There was a discussion concerning open mics at certain establishments in town. I off-offhandedly made a comment that you didn't like, well boohoo to you.
Falcon making ‘premier noises’

Falcon making ‘premier noises’

With apologies to William Shakespeare - and Brutus - ambition is a good thing. It's what fuels risk taking and adventure. Ambition is the first step towards change; without it we'd still be living in caves.
Either this generation recycles the trash, or our kids will have to

Either this generation recycles the trash, or our kids will have to

I agree with Amber Cross in regards to her Nov. 5 letter "City hall must get on board with recycling." At our home, we recycle everything and deposit it into the correct recycling bin at the landfill.