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Economic warning signs flashing, but no one cares

Economic warning signs flashing, but no one cares

Bruce Whitestone Canada's Business A medical doctor can list the warning signs of pending serious health problems. Similarly, an economist can cite the warning signs of looming economic troubles.
Stem Cell Therapy: The Next Step in Spinal Cord Injury Treatment

Stem Cell Therapy: The Next Step in Spinal Cord Injury Treatment

Not being able to stand up, walk, or even control your own bodily functions is a nightmare people with spinal cord injuries have to live with every day.
Bennett bombshells build case for Campbell to leave early

Bennett bombshells build case for Campbell to leave early

Paul Willcocks In Victoria Cut Bill Bennett?s claims about life inside the Liberal government in half and it?s still ugly.
The financial perils of the G20

The financial perils of the G20

Can the flap of a butterfly's wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas? Or rather, can a G20 meeting held in Toronto in June set off riots in France and Britain a few months later? Locally we read and hear news stories about protests at G20 meeting
Comic relief with my morning coffee

Comic relief with my morning coffee

I enjoyed the recent letter from the reader "who can actually feel the pollution burning my skin". It sounds to me like chronic paranoia.
Aboriginal accountability

Aboriginal accountability

According to statistics Canada, from 1996 to 2006, the Aboriginal population grew by 45 per cent, while the non-Aboriginal population grew by 8 per cent. The federal government disperses 8 billion a year to First Nations bands across Canada.
Reducing air pollution individually

Reducing air pollution individually

A new Clean Air Bylaw in Prince George gave tips to residences on how to reduce air pollution on a small scale.
Death spiral

Death spiral

"Turning and turning in the widening gyre, the falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart: the centre cannot hold;" Watching the contortions of Gordon Campbell and the Liberal party this week, one can't help but think of Irish poet W.B.
City leaves reader feeling like a fool

City leaves reader feeling like a fool

Another Snowjob from the city. No kidding. I feel like a fool. There I was Dan Rogers answering your stupid surveys, trying to help find a solution to saving the city some money on snow removal when all along you've mis-managed our city funds.
Bennett ousted for saying what everyone is thinking

Bennett ousted for saying what everyone is thinking

His radio-show portrayal of the premier violated the 'no surprises' rule