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BC resident could face 160-year jail term

A B.C. man could be handed a jail term of 167 years for operating a fraudulent lottery scheme that targeted the elderly in the U.S.

City steps up to place for ball tournament

The World Baseball Challenge got some needed moral support from the City of Prince George, this week.

$1 million grow-op seized

Prince George RCMP members of D Watch have seized marijuana plants with an estimated value of $1 million. On May 10 police attended a grow operation in the 1200 block of Hubert Road where they discovered 1,100 plants in various stages of growth.

Seniors Guide translated into other languages

Translations of the latest version of the B.C. Seniors' Guide are now available in Chinese, Punjabi and French. "By offering the B.C.

Province urged to eliminate or index property transfer tax

The B.C. Northern Real Estate Board's voice is in the chorus calling on the provincial government to reduce so-called "shelter taxes" to make home ownership more affordable.

House starts on the upswing

There were starts on 10 houses in the Prince George area in April, according to Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, twice the number recorded during the same month last year. Canadian Home Builders Association - Northern B.C.

Province urged to eliminate or index property transfer tax

The B.C. Northern Real Estate Board's voice is in the chorus calling on the provincial government to reduce so-called "shelter taxes" to make home ownership more affordable.

Prince George Airport Authority CEO named to national board.

Prince George Airport Authority chief executive officer John Gibson has been elected to the Canadian Airports Council board of directors as one of two directors representing small airports in B.C. and Alberta.

Teen's death not in vain

Shelby Hamilton was only 18 when she died last month, but her death has not been in vain, say her grandparents.

Truck trules altered

The Province has adopted two recommendations from the Trucking Sector Climate Action Working Group meant to have a positive impact on both the environment and on productivity in the industry.