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Science fairs teach kids good science

Science fairs teach kids good science

One of the major annual events of my calendar for much of my adult life has been science fair season.
Dangers of drowsy driving

Dangers of drowsy driving

Recent studies on the impact of drowsy driving have identified this as a significant issue in causing accidents. Estimates are as high as 20 per cent, of accidents resulting from drivers falling asleep at the wheel.
Child molester gets less jail time than maple syrup thief

Child molester gets less jail time than maple syrup thief

Since when did stealing maple syrup warrant a harsher sentence than molesting a four year old child? Yes, a man was sentence to eight years imprisonment and a fine for stealing maple syrup (page 7, Citizen, Jan. 28).
Bear Lake Blues

Bear Lake Blues

Rolling waves as such as so. With beaches so clean in older days, With tall trees blown in the wind. Now Bear Lake Blues has succumbed, with overgrown weeds as just so, to the creepy Crawlies of as such.
Pilot Mountain grateful to the Wozneys

Pilot Mountain grateful to the Wozneys

In the 16 years Carl was a volunteer at the fire hall he did maintenance on the fire truck, handled finance, attended accidents, fires and medical calls to name a few responsibilities.
No school resources for children with mental illness

No school resources for children with mental illness

I always had hopes and dreams for my child to attend one school and make lifelong friends but that all changed when my child was diagnosed with a mental illness and learning disability.
Nations have the right to control their borders

Nations have the right to control their borders

By some divine providence, the same week the world lost its collective mind over one nation's decision to exercise its sovereign authority regarding who can and who cannot enter its borders is the same week I've reapplied for my passport.
And the award (hopefully) goes to...

And the award (hopefully) goes to...

It's awards season again, not just for the movie, TV and music business but for journalism, too. We've put forward our best work in 2016 for consideration to the B.C.
Sentence questioned

Sentence questioned

I am writing about the sentencing for Mr. Bockus who, in his truck struck and killed Mrs. Kokkonis at 10th and Winnipeg on Dec. 16, 2014.
Paying for madness

Paying for madness

Not only is the city wasting money in the snow budget needlessly hauling away a foot or two of the snow berms along our residential streets, they apparently feel the need to do this at 9:30 till almost 10 p.m. in my neighborhood.