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MMP a hybrid electoral system

MMP a hybrid electoral system

For the past few weeks, I have been explaining different types of electoral systems. I want to apologize for the error in the math last week in explaining the STV quota system. It was kindly pointed out to me by a number of astute readers.
Start with transparency

Start with transparency

Mayor Lyn Hall's instincts were right. A few months late, but right nevertheless. On Oct. 9, he sent an email to city manager Kathleen Soltis, director of external relations Rob van Adrichem and communciations officer Michael Kellet.
The rout of the Caribou

The rout of the Caribou

The fate of the last great mega fauna in B.C. during this sixth extinction is not looking great. While immigrating to B.C. on a long, long cold drive from Alaska during January of 2010, I had the most amazing moment anyone could witness.
Remembering a year of meeting people

Remembering a year of meeting people

Part 2 of 2 A look back at a year of interesting personalities: Otto Arndt was born in Germany in 1939 and later came to Canada. He worked for a timber marking crew for the forest service and lived in a cabin in the Hart Highway area.
Smoking should increase age rating for movies, TV shows

Smoking should increase age rating for movies, TV shows

Smoking remains the leading preventable cause of death in Canada and the world, killing one in two smokers, or 45,000 Canadians annually.
Going independent

Going independent

Taylor Mayor Rob Fraser turned his back on the B.C. Liberals Wednesday, abandoning the party he supported as recently as last spring and announcing he will run as an independent in Peace River North in the May provincial election.
Remember Metropolis

Remember Metropolis

The B.C. Government Employees Union building stands across Quebec Street on Fifth Avenue from the post office, replacing the city parking lot that used to be there. That wasn't the original plan for the site.
Building your business with the right blocks

Building your business with the right blocks

When I was about four years old and playing cars on the floor with my brother Rob, my other brother Paul started making a funny noise.
Looking for the border between brain and mind

Looking for the border between brain and mind

One of the more interesting questions science faces is: "Where does the brain end and the mind begin?" This is complicated because our inner experience is so private. No one else can share your thoughts.
Suggestions for electoral, gov't reform

Suggestions for electoral, gov't reform

To the commission on electoral reform: Canadian society like a child is growing up. Like an alcoholic, Canada's government feels entitled. Like a drunk it will not change until it must.