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Diving into pottery with P.G.'s Potters Guild

Diving into pottery with P.G.'s Potters Guild

A unique feature of our local community is the existence of various artisan guilds.
Embracing the storm

Embracing the storm

All the family is gathered on the family farm and carrying on conversations.
Hello Destroyer won film awards

Hello Destroyer won film awards

I am surprised that there has been no mention in your paper about Hello Destroyer winning several awards from the Vancouver Film Critic's Circle this past week. The awards were for Canadian and B.C. film, director, actor and supporting Actor.
Angry about handicapped parking at CN Centre

Angry about handicapped parking at CN Centre

The city has decided to take away the handicapped parking area away at CN Centre and change it to VIP parking. This area is taking away 25-30 handicapped stalls.
Why don't seniors get as much as welfare recipients?

Why don't seniors get as much as welfare recipients?

May I ask why is it that senior citizens who have paid into their pensions their entire lives do not have the same medical benefits at the very least as welfare recipients? These senior citizens are forced to have to choose which they are going to ge
United States has nowhere to go but up

United States has nowhere to go but up

I have spent my entire adult life under the presidential impetus of Barack Hussein Obama.
Obama well liked, but not respected

Obama well liked, but not respected

Part 1 of 2 As Barack Obama departs the White House on Friday after eight years as the American president, the pundits are either dancing on his grave (see Nathan Giede's column below) or weeping tears of nostalgia over the glory days of 2009 and the
Giede 'fights for freedom'

Giede 'fights for freedom'

Last Friday there was a letter printed entitled "Giede should look to Islamic State, China for inspiration." I credit Nathan for his wisdom in his reply and well thought out it was. "Simplicity is the result of profound thought.
AR-15 used for shooting sports

AR-15 used for shooting sports

Your article regarding the AR-15 rifle is not correct. Many citizens own this rifle for the enjoyment of the shooting sports and with it are able to compete and associate with police officers on a social basis.
Equality matters

Equality matters

It was with some interest that I read Mr. Godbout's editorial on identity. Which begs the question, who am I? I was born in the first half of the last century, so that means I've lived longer than a lot of the present population.