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Media not engaged on electoral reform

Media not engaged on electoral reform

I'm not surprised that our prime minister has done an about-face on his promise to bring about electoral reform. When I as a taxpayer look at the number of broken promises this government has done, I'm lost for words.
Ban rednecks from entering Canada

Ban rednecks from entering Canada

I'm back. In my 65 years, I have only ever written one letter to the editor. That was the day after DJT was elected President of the United Stares of Darkness. Now, about two weeks into the reign of chaos and mayhem, I write again.
Premier gets personal

Premier gets personal

On the day last week when Canadians were encouraged to help end the stigma around mental illness, Premier Christy Clark broadcast a brief, deeply personal message from the cabinet office in Vancouver.
Order in the playgrounds!

Order in the playgrounds!

Now that the city has 20 playgrounds on the chopping block, will the city also be putting attendants at the parks still in use in order that the displaced children from the chopped parks will be able to take a number so that they will know when it is
Misleading cartoon

Misleading cartoon

I must object to your misleading political cartoon of Feb. 1. The suggestion that Trump's "Muslim ban" would spur Muslims to become terrorists is ridiculous.
Trudeau loses on electoral reform

Trudeau loses on electoral reform

It's not so much that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has cavalierly dismissed the major promise to change the voting system that he made routinely throughout the last election campaign. It's that he made such a dumb promise in the first place.
Through the lens of history

Through the lens of history

During Premier Christy Clark's visit to Prince George Wednesday, the most important man in her entourage was the fellow with the camera. John Lehmann is one of Canada's most decorated newspaper photographers.
Get in step with your employees

Get in step with your employees

One of the first times I remember that I was really nervous getting up in front of people was in Grade 5. Our school was having a talent show of some sort and our teacher was really good about getting everyone involved and participating.
Small in stature, big in life

Small in stature, big in life

Viola (Stafford) Merritt was born in Norgate, Manitoba, in 1923 as the fourth of five children. As an adult, Vi moved to the coast and went to school in Vancouver to train as a psychiatric nurse.
Ice jam on Nechako floods city

Ice jam on Nechako floods city

This week in Prince George history, Jan. 29 to Feb. 4: Jan. 31, 1955: Flash flooding on Jan.