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Giede should look to Islamic State, China for inspiration

Giede should look to Islamic State, China for inspiration

Nathan Giede's celebration of the end of modernity has all the fire of Revelations with its predictions of a switchover "from a time of order to a time of chaos, from globalization to nativism, from legislative supremacy to oligarchic maneuvering, fr
Dealing with a ‘merchant of woe’

Dealing with a ‘merchant of woe’

I've not done well with resolutions in my life. For the past two years, I've tried to make it through an entire calendar without getting a parking ticket. Failed both times. Last year, I made it to the start of August.
Animal instinct

Animal instinct

There is never a good time to run a story about an area teenaged boy convicted of torturing gophers in the newspaper.
Stopping an out-of-control slide

Stopping an out-of-control slide

The snow in the Rocky Mountains in February can make for the best skiing in the world. At the age of 22, I was loving every minute of a ski trip with my buddies. The sun was warm, the sky was blue, and the temperature was perfect.
A look back at 2016's 'handsome brutes'

A look back at 2016's 'handsome brutes'

Part 1 of 2 Another year has nearly passed and at this time I would like to use this space and take the opportunity to recap the names and a bit of information of the many interesting subjects of my column throughout this past year.
Prince George hosts Olympic skiing qualifier

Prince George hosts Olympic skiing qualifier

Raiding the archives
Composing a symphony of oil

Composing a symphony of oil

Busy streets full of holiday shoppers, winter's cold settling in, chocolates a plenty, ahh yes winter holiday season is up and going full steam while I write this column.
A mysterious star in the east

A mysterious star in the east

"Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Hi
A community full of support

A community full of support

It is with heartfelt gratitude that I offer this letter of recognition to the community leaders and the citizens of Prince George.
Why fentanyl kills

Why fentanyl kills

I spent Christmas 2015 sitting at my kitchen table, smartphone in hand, tracking overdose deaths across Greater Victoria. Eight people had died in seven days, three in the preceding 24 hours.