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Thanks for the tax grab...

Thanks for the tax grab...

I would like to thank our city councillors and mayor for, once again, raising our property tax. In particular, Coun. Frizzell is to be thanked for due dilgence, calling from South America, on our dime, agreeing to the latest grab.
Liberals' being left behind in clean energy sector

Liberals' being left behind in clean energy sector

Where is B.C.'s leadership on climate change? Moving first can be risky.
American First, but Canada second

American First, but Canada second

Dear President Trump: Congratulations on your victory. It was huge. The best victory ever. It is clear you know the best people and have the best people working for you. It is clear the Dems are losers. So sad.
Choose your words carefully

Choose your words carefully

Language matters, as we rediscover in almost every morning's newspaper. Discussion threads bristle with competing nomenclatures.
Gov't culture change needed on First Nations issues

Gov't culture change needed on First Nations issues

It should never have come to this. Moved by the suicides of two young girls in early January, a private donor has offered the Wapekeka First Nations $380,000 for youth mental health workers - money that Health Canada refused to provide.
Molester gets less jail than syrup thief

Molester gets less jail than syrup thief

The first page of the paper on Saturday, Jan. 28, has an article regarding the sentencing of a man found guilty of molesting a four-year-old girl. He was sentenced to 14 months in jail and three years probation.
Media not engaged on electoral reform

Media not engaged on electoral reform

I'm not surprised that our prime minister has done an about-face on his promise to bring about electoral reform. When I as a taxpayer look at the number of broken promises this government has done, I'm lost for words.
Ban rednecks from entering Canada

Ban rednecks from entering Canada

I'm back. In my 65 years, I have only ever written one letter to the editor. That was the day after DJT was elected President of the United Stares of Darkness. Now, about two weeks into the reign of chaos and mayhem, I write again.
Premier gets personal

Premier gets personal

On the day last week when Canadians were encouraged to help end the stigma around mental illness, Premier Christy Clark broadcast a brief, deeply personal message from the cabinet office in Vancouver.
Order in the playgrounds!

Order in the playgrounds!

Now that the city has 20 playgrounds on the chopping block, will the city also be putting attendants at the parks still in use in order that the displaced children from the chopped parks will be able to take a number so that they will know when it is