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Death and lotteries

Death and lotteries

What are the odds of two people from Prince George winning significant lottery jackpots in the same week? The number is so close to zero that, as far as a statistician or a poker player would see it, it is zero.
Backhanded praise

Backhanded praise

I am writing regarding the Jan. 17 column: "Pipeline decision about winning votes." To the writer: who are you and what did you do with Todd Whitcombe? The column appears to have way too many facts, too much sanity and logic in it.
'Modern' Liberalism is not dead

'Modern' Liberalism is not dead

Shirley Ballum's letter defending Nathan Giede's last two columns shows she understood more of them than I did. I looked up "modernity" in my fairly new dictionary, couldn't find it, so I presume he means "modern-times liberalism.
B.C. the 'wild west' of political donations

B.C. the 'wild west' of political donations

You'd think the New York Times would have its hands full dealing with the reek of apparent corruption closer to home. They have bureaus in Washington and New Jersey, for heaven's sake.
Canada's place in Trumpworld

Canada's place in Trumpworld

Beneath the doom and gloom about the potential havoc a Donald Trump presidency might wreak upon the Canadian and world economy, there are numerous opportunities for Canada in general and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in particular to score significan
Figuring out a business breakthrough

Figuring out a business breakthrough

Gloria's husband's business was sick and she reached out to me this week from a distant community. "We are struggling and we need help," she said. "We are losing money right now.
How opiates literally grab hold of our brains

How opiates literally grab hold of our brains

For the past couple of weeks, we have been discussing the chemistry of the brain and how it impacts the mind.
The politics of ship names

The politics of ship names

Here's a question: Why name a federal research ship after a foreigner synonymous with disaster when you could celebrate Canadian achievement instead? Which, in a nutshell, is what critics are asking as Canada prepares to launch the Sir John Franklin
Liberals holding on to donor cash cow

Liberals holding on to donor cash cow

When the B.C. Liberals released an update Friday on what proved to be a banner year in political fundraising, they strove to minimize their continued reliance on big dollar donations from the corporate sector.
Here comes the new boss

Here comes the new boss

Part 2 of 2 In The Waldo Moment, an episode of the Netflix series Black Mirror first broadcast in the UK in 2013, a cartoon character used on a comedy show to roast politicians is entered as a candidate in a British by-election.