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Carbon offsets don’t really deal with problem

Carbon offsets don’t really deal with problem

This morning my radio alarm clock woke me up to the following statement, "The Coast Inn of the North has gone Green." That caught my attention, however the next statement put me back to sleep. "It has done so by launching carbon offsets.
City taxes seem like good value

City taxes seem like good value

I'm afraid I must express my opinion about the cost of my city taxes. When I look clearly at my bill and the amount that directly goes to the city for this coming year I am paying $1,561.
Tough decisions needed at SD 57

Tough decisions needed at SD 57

As a former resident of Prince George, I still follow some of the issues facing old friends in that community.
Working stiffs subsidizing business, now that must be a good thing

Working stiffs subsidizing business, now that must be a good thing

Todd Whitcombe As I See It My page six colleague, Bruce Strachan, wrote a column last week in which he predicted that the anti-HST petition would fail, while extolling the virtues of the HST as a "transparent tax.
Early Years Health Fair a winner

Early Years Health Fair a winner

The Early Years Health Fair...because a good beginning lasts a lifetime. Thanks to everyone who contributed to another successful Early Years Health Fair.
What can be done about Gulf oil spill?

What can be done about Gulf oil spill?

Clergy Comment Ed Drewlo Second Wind Ministries It's difficult not to feel some sense of angst about the millions of barrels of oil that is spewing uncontrollably into the azure waters of the Gulf of Mexico these days.
Enbridge: Promise of jobs is not enough for approval

Enbridge: Promise of jobs is not enough for approval

I think Colin Kinsley is likely right that the Enbridge pipeline project, if built, would bring new jobs to northern B.C.
Victoria and Albert

Victoria and Albert

Lawn pesticide ban needed

Lawn pesticide ban needed

Re: A ban on the sale and use of cosmetic pesticides For too long, the B.C. government has been putting the health of British Columbians at risk. There is considerable scientific evidence that warrants a precautionary approach to pesticide use.
Reader not a fan of senior drivers

Reader not a fan of senior drivers

Seems like more and more that we hear of accidents being caused by senior citizens.