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Dog days of summer perilous for pets

Dog days of summer perilous for pets

Animal Tracks Kathi Travers With summer a week away now it's time to be reminded of how to keep our pets safe and happy and healthy during the hot days. Our local BC SPCA shelter and staff are on the ball, protecting our pets in summer weather.
Driving offences show serious flaw in system

Driving offences show serious flaw in system

Kudos to the Prince George Citizen's Mark Nielsen for his story on June 10 McComber history of driving offenses. Cases like this is are prime example of why our legal system is in need of a major overhaul.
B.C. will soon introduce its own HST rebate

B.C. will soon introduce its own HST rebate

Your article (HST cheque in mail . . . not in B.C. June 9, 2010) is incorrect to say the province will not provide rebates following July 1, 2010, when B.C.
Growth from bottom up prudent

Growth from bottom up prudent

As one of the speakers at the downtown rally 18 months ago I am a proponent of change. But having said that, I do have some initial reservations about what I read and saw in The Citizen.
Watch the speeding

Watch the speeding

My letter is to address the concern of aggressive driving in Prince George. I have noticed that most drivers here in Prince George need to be more aware of their habits. Driving in the Hart Highway area is the most concerning.
Hospital staff spot on

Hospital staff spot on

Last Wednesday I sustained a serious injury to two fingers of my left hand. I went to the emergency ward of our hospital here in Prince George.
Civic Centre, CN Centre not multi-purpose venues

Civic Centre, CN Centre not multi-purpose venues

Although I have no quarrel with some of the statements made in The Citizen's editorial piece about the proposed performing arts centre in downtown Prince George, I will take exception to several of the writer's assertions including the multi-purpose
City must reduce costs where it can

City must reduce costs where it can

First of all, I would like to thank Brian Skakun for his stance on the issue of taxes. It is refreshing to see someone take a principled position on such an important subject.
Students touched by bullying story

Students touched by bullying story

Our Grade 7 students read and discussed your June 2 article "Taking the colour out of bullying," regarding Kristen Nelson. To a person, they felt very affected by the article.
City council can’t continue sucking taxpayers dry

City council can’t continue sucking taxpayers dry

I wonder if city hall sees the correlation between the garbage hikes and the switch to small containers? A small per cent may be because people are recycling more and have less trash, but more likely it is the only way we can combat increase after in