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Rock 101: Kettle calling the pot black

People, people, let's relax for a few minutes. Relax, and consider the source of the Rock 101 contest to send lucky winners to Prince George to see Elton John.

People, people, let's relax for a few minutes.

Relax, and consider the source of the Rock 101 contest to send lucky winners to Prince George to see Elton John. In case you missed it, the original promo from the Vancouver radio station took a few shots at our fair city.

It took all of about 16 hours for the backlash to force Rock 101's promotional department, on the apparent advice of Corus Radio lawyers, to change the tone of the on-air and Web-based advertising -Prince George went from being the armpit of the province to being the "Jewel Stone of B.C.'s Interior." And, much to the chagrin of the many dentists who practise here, toothbrush sales are unnecessary not because we have no teeth, but because our teeth are perfect.

Smile, Prince George, smile.

Really, it's not worth the time and effort to fire back at an outdated radio station. OK, maybe a few short retorts.

The promo came from a station whose signal is beamed directly at Surrey. (Do you know what the kid from Surrey got for Christmas this year? Your bike.)

From a radio station that introduces a Jethro Tull track as hot new music.

From a radio station that hangs its "talent" hat on imbecilic, sophomoric morning man Bro Jake. That alone costs them 20 points in ratings - it would cost them more if Surrey wasn't in the station's catchment.

This comes from a station that is not on satellite radio, but could be - when it grows up. The only reason to listen to CFMI is if you are stuck in another leisurely Vancouver rush hour - and your vehicle's radio dial is just as stuck.

Taking a shot at Prince George for crime and drugs? It's time for Rock 101 to go on-location to any Hastings Street corner. While there, conduct air quality readings.

Bro Jake can have his water-logged city. He and his caveman colleagues can poke fun at us all he wants. But in the end, Rock 101 is jealous - Elton John is coming to CN Centre, and not GM Place. End of story. Rock 101 managers are welcome to attend the concert in Prince George, but they should know one glorious thing - they won't have to leave work at noon to catch the opening act, and they won't be gouged $50 for parking once they get there.