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Garbage hike disgusting

Garbage hike disgusting

Yesterday I read with interest that our mayor's base salary has gone up from $88,887 to $94,229, a matter of six per cent. The councillors' pay has increased by seven per cent.
Getting our just desserts

Getting our just desserts

Ben and Jerry's wants Canadians to name its new ice cream.
Reader sick of bullying

Reader sick of bullying

I am sick that bullying is still happening in the hallways and fields of our schools. Explain to me please how this is not recognized and acted on by school staff. These people have a responsibility to our children.
Race has nothing to do with crime

Race has nothing to do with crime

While living in Japan as a minority, I was always surprised on how the press would report on crimes being committed by foreigners.
HST sad commentary on Liberals

HST sad commentary on Liberals

Ah, the great HST. Where do you start. Firstly it is a sad commentary on the current style of this government, in particular where you promise one thing and then do another.
Canada's Business

Canada's Business

Making tough choices
Downtown 'hope' ridiculous

Downtown 'hope' ridiculous

The Zannette rendition of what Prince George's downtown could look like is beautiful.... unfortunately that will never happen.
Preconceived opinions not correct

Preconceived opinions not correct

While I understand what this article is trying to say, I finished it feeling a little let down about the numerous times PGSS is mentioned in a less than positive light.
Ginter's for everyone

Ginter's for everyone

Oh how delusional is Ms. Holzworth in her own self-absorbed way. She may be a self-described member of "the gang at Ginter's field", but despite her perception, Ginter's is not her exclusive turf.
Skating oval truly multi-use

Skating oval truly multi-use

Regarding the editorial in today's paper about the performing arts centre, I agree with the argument for a top-quality, multi-purpose building and with the ranking of priorities for taxpayer funds, but I do wish to clarify one statement and provide s