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Lot of choices for apple trees

Lot of choices for apple trees

When I first came to Prince George over 30 years ago (does this make me an old timer) I was disappointed with the lack apple tree varieties.
Chilled white wine great on a sunny afternoon

Chilled white wine great on a sunny afternoon

With the warmer weather finally showing itself occasionally, I feel like a glass of chilled white wine. Of course, any occasion is fit for a good red wine as well.
HST takes from your pocket

HST takes from your pocket

As I see it
Eden Spas sincerely sorry

Eden Spas sincerely sorry

Re: the hot tub story in the Citizen May 26 and 27. I wish I had commented sooner, but I was in Vancouver for surgery when the story and photo came out. I returned to Prince George on Tuesday evening and spoke with those involved Wednesday.
Spirituality and real life

Spirituality and real life

Canada's Business

Canada's Business

A surprising recovery
The Sunday the Hummingbird Came to Visit

The Sunday the Hummingbird Came to Visit

It was a warm spring day. The doors of the church were left open to let in the sun and the breeze. The service was in full swing. The preacher was just getting to the point of his message when he noticed a hummingbird fly into the church.


I'm wondering why the oil companies figure that Prince George should be subsidizing the rest of the province? We've been sitting at 134.9 for quite some time now, but every B.C.
More on the HST

More on the HST

I am in favor of the HST. It is a modern, value-added, and simple tax, which has already been adopted in some 140 countries around the world.
Make WWII commemoration accessible

Make WWII commemoration accessible

I greatly enjoy the new version of the Citizen. Well done.