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Ignorance and arrogance

Ignorance and arrogance

Would you support organizations and individuals that call for the mass destruction of wildlife, of course not? The sad fact is that many of you already do through the "Species at Risk Act of Canada.
'Wrong' is wrong

'Wrong' is wrong

Your headline confuses doing something outside legal statutes with actually being wrong. ("Brian's Wrong," The Citizen, May 25).
Two wheels good, four wheels bad

Two wheels good, four wheels bad

Riding in to work this morning during my morning commute I happened to venture outside the designated bike lane. For a few seconds, I rode just to the left of the white line to avoid a large cluster of broken glass followed by two parked vehicles.
B.C. should fund missing women testimony

B.C. should fund missing women testimony

Regarding "B.C. denies funding for sex workers, aboriginal groups at Pickton inquiry," May 25, 2011: Wally Oppal, who is heading the Pickton inquiry, has recommended that the B.C.
Be aware of disabled pedestrians

Be aware of disabled pedestrians

I am blind and use a guide dog. I listen for the traffic to know when it is safe to cross the road. If a vehicle drives by too close in front or behind me, my dog's job is to push me out of harm's way.
Skakun should resign

Skakun should resign

Well Mr. Skakun, you were found guilty in a court of law on releasing confidential information, even though you already admitted to it in your court hearing.
Apocalypse then

Apocalypse then

Everyone is "asking what is up with the world these days"? Greenhouse gasses, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes. It's like 2012 already! I'm telling you right now, those people with the end of the world calendar 12/12/12 are wrong.
For the good of the many

For the good of the many

I hope Mr. Harper really meant his acceptance speech, government for all Canadians, and as one of his oft-repeated pre-election speeches suggests, he sets an example for the world.
The importance of being earnest

The importance of being earnest

Parliament resumed Thursday to the much-ballyhooed first order of business: voting in the Speaker of the House, who replaces Peter Milliken, a Liberal Party member.
Let the HST stand on facts

Let the HST stand on facts

Mr. Whitcombe, One of the issues around the HST implementation was misinformation, yet your article only adds further disinformation.