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Teapot Mountain a popular hiking destination

Teapot Mountain a popular hiking destination

This week's hike is probably the most popular hike in our region. It is typically the first hike that many newcomers to our city attempt, and they probably do not realize they are climbing an old volcanic plug.
Thanks for paving

Thanks for paving

I just wanted to say thank you. Scanning through the paper this spring I noticed many complaints from readers, myself included, about the state of our streets post-winter. Thank you City of Prince George for repaving part of Ospika Blvd.
HST is a tax hike

HST is a tax hike

The aggravating, HST is a tax hike, not the combination of PST and GST. Everything that had one tax now has both, just a blanket overall hike. Impossible to separate, why not charge five per cent on items that had one tax.
Wrong tax, wrong reasons

Wrong tax, wrong reasons

The government created HST in B.C. ( with the claim that the website provides an impartial analysis of the HST.
Clear cut for safety

Clear cut for safety

It is both pathetic and infuriating that hundreds of homes and much of the infrastructure of Slave Lake, Alberta has been burnt down by a forest fire.
Know your rights

Know your rights

Zellers is giving it up its Pine Centre Mall lease to Target. So where does that put its employees? There's good news and bad news for the untold number of Zellers workers (a store representative would not disclose the exact figure).
.01 per cent not good enough

.01 per cent not good enough

Enbridge Safety Record Not That Great In the May 19 Citizen article of the latest Enbridge activities, some statistics were thrown out by the company executives. They seemed very pleased of their 2010 safety record.
Desperate, expensive gamble to save HST

Desperate, expensive gamble to save HST

VICTORIA - Governments aren't supposed to make tax policy like this. The Liberals' latest attempt to save the HST is a dramatic flip-flop on tax principles they said were essential for the province's future.
Not believing Enbridge

Not believing Enbridge

Re: "Enbridge Lashes Out" (P.G. Citizen, May 19), the arrogance, condescension and hypocrisy of Enbridge spokespersons in the media appears unparalleled among the extractive industries.
Sometimes a great notion

Sometimes a great notion

While the sale of BC Rail in 2004 did not come without its share of controversy, one of the better ideas of the Liberal government was to set aside $185 million and create the Northern Development Initiatives Trust (NDIT).