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Give us the sordid details

Give us the sordid details

I have been reading your on-going, National Enquirer simulation of the unfounded and boring accounts of wrongdoing, (hanky panky) within our local civil service and the ensuing childish finger pointing, allegations and court cases.
Sayonara snail mail?

Sayonara snail mail?

There's one question surrounding Canada Post workers' rotating strike - who cares? That's not meant facetiously... that is a serious question on lips across the country.
Skakun was forced to take a stand

Skakun was forced to take a stand

Brian Skakun is guilty of what, trying to help people? What he did was wrong, but he did not murder anyone or rape anyone, and this mess should not have been in the court system.
Liberals just won't face persistent poverty problem

Liberals just won't face persistent poverty problem

A Times Colonist editorial thought it "baffling" that the government has repeatedly refused to set out a plan to reduce poverty.


Joe had made the acquaintance of a young waitress at one of Mile 49's finest restaurants during his last visit. When he arrived at Curly's at 11 a.m., there were only a few old-timers sitting on a bench in front of the building.
The Stanley Cup: it's a riot

The Stanley Cup: it's a riot

"What a game," I said, and chucked a brick through the window. "Nice throw," she said. "Any reason you did that?" "Rioting," I replied. "Stanley Cup finals. It's what we do." She poked at the shattered glass with the toe of her shoe.
Hecklers debase HST forum

Hecklers debase HST forum

Right Side Up


English Lessons and Other Stories
I pay taxes, fix my road

I pay taxes, fix my road

Received my tax notice this week, it was over $4,000 gross. Have owned this house since 1976. My taxes back then were under $500 gross per year. We have no water, sewer, curbs, gutters, garbage pickup, lights, etc.
Canada's Business

Canada's Business

The New Uniform