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Mill rates explained

The city's finance and audit committee will be debating tax rates over the coming month, but what does the tax rate really mean for property owners? The tax rate, commonly called the mill rate, is a number used by the city to determine how much prope

NDP candidate sees his youth as an asset

Depending on how you look at it, 22-year-old Jon Van Barneveld is more than a little wet behind the ears or the perfect candidate to bring some youthful enthusiasm to Cariboo-Prince George.

Three doctors inducted into Northern Medical Hall of Fame

A trio of Prince George doctors became the latest inductees into the Northern Medical Hall of Fame during a ceremony at the Civic Centre on Saturday night. Dr. Chong Lim, Dr. Tony Eckersley and Dr.

Provincial NDP leadership debate in Prince George tonight

The B.C. NDP leadership debates come to Prince George tonight. The theme of the debate at the Coast Inn of the North -- scheduled from 7 to 9 p.m. -- is energy.

Community enhancement grants available for your area

Enhance P.G. (formerly Communities in Bloom) is a program that is designed to foster civic pride, environmental awareness and beautification by promoting involvement by every sector of the community.

RCMP weekend roundup

On Friday, 2011 at 5:04 a.m., the Prince George RCMP received a report of a break and enter to a barn on Angus Road in the West Lake area. A 2005 Honda ATV valued at $7,800 and a 2008 Troybilt snowblower valued at $1,700 were stolen.

Setting tax rates a complex process

In less than a month, city council will be debating the property tax rate for 2011. But the general tax rate set by the city is only a part of the total property tax bill property owners will get in June.

Kelly calls for improvements to Northern B.C. health care

A fairly tame affair turned into a rallying cry for improving health care in northern B.C. when Prince George Dr. Bert Kelly took to the stage at the annual Dr. Bob Ewert Memorial Lecture and Dinner on Saturday night.

Rising assessments don't always equal rising taxes

Does an increase assessed property value automatically equal an increase in property taxes? Not always, according to city finance manager Sandra Stibrany. The city sets its tax rates to collect a fixed amount of money each year.

Three doctors inducted into Northern Medical Hall of Fame

A trio of Prince George doctors became the latest inductees into the Northern Medical Hall of Fame during a ceremony at the Civic Centre on Saturday night. Dr. Chong Lim, Dr. Tony Eckersley and Dr.