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Cantata Singers thankful for support

Cantata Singers thankful for support

Prince George Cantata Singers and Counterpoints want to shout out a big thank you to Frank Peebles for his excellent article published Nov.
Tired of Trudeau

Tired of Trudeau

Rather an unearned flowery tribute given by Justin Trudeau in remembrance of Castro. The Conservatives said before the election, "He's not ready, he's just not ready yet.
Don’t poke the bear

Don’t poke the bear

Re: Felony charges dropped against UNBC students, Nov. 28. These students are wiser than their professor by not seeking to gain publicity for their views.
Bicyclists should be licensed

Bicyclists should be licensed

I note that there have been a few letters to the editor regarding bicyclists/pedestrians lately. I have had a few run-ins with bicyclists in the last few weeks myself. My first encounter (exact date I don't recall) but it was in the last few weeks.
Of cash and trees

Of cash and trees

How do we balance the economy with the environment? This is the question underlying much of the debate around pipelines, greenhouse gases, liquefied natural gas exports, reforestation, etc.
Getting a real Christmas tree? Try these fresh tips

Getting a real Christmas tree? Try these fresh tips

Choosing and decorating the Christmas tree is a tradition that has been passed through the generations.
Hope in a hurting world

Hope in a hurting world

Immediately after the conclusion of the first Advent of Jesus Christ, Acts 1:10-11 records that two angels said, "You men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like
Free Greyhound pass a better option

Free Greyhound pass a better option

On reading Mr. Cameron's letter, I was somewhat dismayed. I did not realize that our city was going to contribute $50,000 on a service that would be totally under-used.
Details missing on Castro

Details missing on Castro

In her love paean to Saint Fidel, Vivien Lougheed omitted a few details. First off, there's no such thing as a benevolent dictator. That's an oxymoron, as dictators cannot long hold on to power if they act benevolently.
A long history of ‘subsidized’ timber

A long history of ‘subsidized’ timber

The long running dispute between Canada and the U.S. over lumber in Canada being a "subsidized" product is now a hot issue again. This has been going on even longer than most people realize.