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Talk about ‘icky’ topic

Talk about ‘icky’ topic

At parties, I am the person no one wants to talk to. People stare blankly at me and then politely say they need some more shrimp. My name is Laura Nordin, I am the executive director of SOS Society. What is that? We are the sexual assault centre.
Flowering plants add beauty to Christmas season

Flowering plants add beauty to Christmas season

Flowering plants are a great gift idea, especially this time of year. Whether you are receiving flowering plants as a gift or you decide to purchase your own flowering plant, you want to keep them looking good for as long as possible.
Christmas a story of redemption

Christmas a story of redemption

The movie Slumdog Millionaire won eight Academy Awards in 2009 and gained popular acclaim.
Thanks to hospital retirees

Thanks to hospital retirees

This is a sincere thank you to the Retiree Group from PGRH and UHNBC. I am most appreciative of their kindness and thoughtfulness to me.
Electoral reform about more than voting systems

Electoral reform about more than voting systems

This week, I received a very kind email from a reader asking if I could compare different types of electoral systems.
Hotel story proof that newspapers matter

Hotel story proof that newspapers matter

Once again, thank you to the Prince George Citizen.
Check out the Post

Check out the Post

Follow the money. That's the famous and often-cited phrase from the classic movie All The President's Men, which arrived in movie theatres 40 years ago.
No fault in Trump

No fault in Trump

Even though I am a Canadian, it is with pride that I watch Donald Trump enter into the position of president of the United States. It is hard to imagine there could be a president who puts the needs of the people before his own.
Electoral system works just fine

Electoral system works just fine

I agree with Todd Whitcombe's opinion on electoral reform, although my less-than-academic conclusion is based on the if-it-ain't-broke-don't-fix-it proposition.
We are in the Year of the Liar

We are in the Year of the Liar

Time magazine got it wrong. The Person of the Year is Pinocchio, and 2016 will be remembered for its lies. Then again, maybe Time got it right, given our four-Pinnochio president-elect's tenuous relationship with the truth.