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Water precious, needs to be protected

Water precious, needs to be protected

The importance of the boreal forest cannot be understated. For one, you, me and all of Prince George lives in one.
Lithium batteries: powerful, rechargable, flammable

Lithium batteries: powerful, rechargable, flammable

On a recent flight to Vancouver, the flight attendant warned us that Galaxy Note 7 or any other Samsung smartphone are no longer allowed on domestic flights. Anyone with such a phone was required to leave it behind.
City shouldn’t finance transit program along Highway of Tears

City shouldn’t finance transit program along Highway of Tears

An initiative introduced by the province and supported by the federal government has made a commitment of $5 million of taxpayer dollars towards the Highway 16 transit action plan.
Trudeau, Clark gamble on pipeline

Trudeau, Clark gamble on pipeline

Premier Christy Clark watched Prime Minister Justin Trudeau make an audacious gamble on Tuesday, then made one of her own on Wednesday.
Pipeline calculus

Pipeline calculus

The week isn't even over yet and Justin Trudeau has taken two great strides towards making sure he will win a second term as prime minister.
A fresh take on year-end tax planning

A fresh take on year-end tax planning

Christmas in Grade 1 was very Charlie-Brownish for me. For one thing, we had snow.
Thanks for road upgrade

Thanks for road upgrade

This letter is to say a huge thank you to the city of Prince George. I had occasion to write letters regarding the horrendous, scarcely navigable condition our street had become over the years.
Electoral College a good thing

Electoral College a good thing

Given the historic times we live in regarding both the most recent presidential election and now the beginnings of recount politics, it is right and just to explain why the electoral college is a critical part of the American republic.
In praise of Castro

In praise of Castro

Goodbye, Fidel! On Nov. 25 at 10:29 p.m., Fidel Castro took his last breath, much to the sorrow of those who benefitted from his life's work - the citizens of Cuba.
New vehicle replacement insurance explained

New vehicle replacement insurance explained

RE: Vehicle replacement coverage can be good investment, Prince George Citizen, Nov. 17, 2016.