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Vandals smashed windshield

Vandals smashed windshield

I sit here pondering a scary occurrence to me yesterday, not wanting to tar all preteen or early teen boys with the same brush. I wonder, do parents sit down at the Sunday night dinner table and ask their children what they were up to on their day.
Handwriting on wall for Campbell Liberals

Handwriting on wall for Campbell Liberals

Vaughn Palmer's column in the April 9 Citizen makes some interesting points, however for those people who are opposed to the HST, his points are of little or novalue.
Turn down the heat, take the bus

Turn down the heat, take the bus

I am tired of seeing letters about the so-called myth of climate change. Maybe it is time for a new perspective. How about human health. Most of what we do that increases our carbon footprint also has other environmental impacts.
Fallout from P.G.’s bad air is alarming

Fallout from P.G.’s bad air is alarming

Speakers at the last PACHA meeting revealed that: a. Prince George has the highest cancer rate in the province (if not the country). b.
Just more sleight of hand

Just more sleight of hand

The minister of education's letter to The Citizen, "Minister Responds To Letter, to clarify issues was more sleight of hand, statistics tripe. If I can reiterate her data, in 14 years, i.e.
The times are changing

The times are changing

For every two people retiring there is only one person in the pipeline to replace them.
Too little, too late!

Too little, too late!

If you didn't know already, you do now, that lap dancing or simulated lap dancing in a school gathering is not a good thing, especially if you are a teacher.
Site C may well be Campbell’s swan song

Site C may well be Campbell’s swan song

Right Side Up Bruce Strachan You've got to hand it to Premier Gordon Campbell; he'll never be accused of letting a little controversy stand in the way of a good idea. Monday morning, Campbell announced the B.C.
Liberals have failed miserably

Liberals have failed miserably

A letter to Gordon Campbell: I am a senior citizen and I know the HST will hurt me. You can peddle all the so-called stats all you want, but the HST will hurt people like me who are on fixed incomes.
Despite hoopla, Site C will be a tough sell

Despite hoopla, Site C will be a tough sell

Vaughn Palmer In Victoria The B.C.