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Open minds to addictions treatment centre

Open minds to addictions treatment centre

After attending the open house for the Northern Supportive Recovery Center and the Haldi community meeting last week I have begun to wonder what is really going on. Many of my neighbours have valid concerns about this facility in our neighbourhood.
A Liberal fight with credibility

A Liberal fight with credibility

The province appears increasingly manic over the HST as the looming June 24 referendum date approaches.
Bring transparency to addictions centre debate

Bring transparency to addictions centre debate

The more information I get, the less convinced l become about the validity of the proposed Northern Recovery Centre for women.
Make better use of taxpayer money

Make better use of taxpayer money

When is the city administration going to move into the 21st century? Years ago when these roads were being built, the largest trucks were about five tons. Today the trucks weigh in excess of 50 tons.
High speed spending of your tax dollars

High speed spending of your tax dollars

Here we go again, the city is poking its nose where it doesn't belong, and when the experts punch the city in the nose by telling them that their idea is not a good one, the city for some reason just can't remove its nose and take no for an answer.
Watch out for small creatures

Watch out for small creatures

This letter is addressed to all Prince George residents who enjoy off-roading in their trucks and ATVs.
Open letter to the mayor

Open letter to the mayor

Hi Dan, Sorry, it's been a few weeks since we have spoken, but again something is wrong in Mr. Rogers's neighbourhood.
Online poll highlights survey weakness

Online poll highlights survey weakness

The results of your online poll "How will you be voting in the May 2 federal election" are a good example of why voluntary surveys are useless.
Back to the worker

Back to the worker

"As mass production has to be accompanied by mass consumption, mass consumption, in turn, implies a distribution of wealth - not of existing wealth, but of wealth as it is currently produced - to provide men with buying power equal to the amount of g
Liberals sorely lacking accountability

Liberals sorely lacking accountability

Premier Christy Clark and her hand-picked minister Harry Bloy need to shape