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Watch out for small creatures

Watch out for small creatures

This letter is addressed to all Prince George residents who enjoy off-roading in their trucks and ATVs.
Open letter to the mayor

Open letter to the mayor

Hi Dan, Sorry, it's been a few weeks since we have spoken, but again something is wrong in Mr. Rogers's neighbourhood.
Online poll highlights survey weakness

Online poll highlights survey weakness

The results of your online poll "How will you be voting in the May 2 federal election" are a good example of why voluntary surveys are useless.
Back to the worker

Back to the worker

"As mass production has to be accompanied by mass consumption, mass consumption, in turn, implies a distribution of wealth - not of existing wealth, but of wealth as it is currently produced - to provide men with buying power equal to the amount of g
Liberals sorely lacking accountability

Liberals sorely lacking accountability

Premier Christy Clark and her hand-picked minister Harry Bloy need to shape
A taxing situation

A taxing situation

While our newly minted Premier plays house, dressing up first as a waitress and working a couple of hours in a local diner, and with plans to dress up as a nurse and a garbage collector in the near future, the HST road show continues on.
Book reviews

Book reviews

Clara and Mr. Tiffany By Susan Vreeland The best-selling author of The Girl In Hyacinth Blue has produced another historical novel that reveals the people behind the art we all recognize and love.
When wine goes wrong, you get vinegar

When wine goes wrong, you get vinegar

Vinegar has been made and used for thousands of years. It has been found in Egyptian urns dating back to 3000 BC. It also has origins in China with rice vinegar.
Hyundai Elantra transforms from ugly duckling into a swan

Hyundai Elantra transforms from ugly duckling into a swan

There used to be a show on TV called Extreme Makeover, not sure where it has gone, but it doesn't seem to be on anymore. The Extreme Makeover Home Edition is still on with the extra annoying host Ty Pennington.
It is important to warm up for a proper workout

It is important to warm up for a proper workout

This is a topic that everyone who exercises should pay close attention too. Warming up before exercising is much more important and beneficial than you may think.