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War on drugs a failure

War on drugs a failure

Re: George Getty letter, entitled "Tough on drugs." While your emotionless concern over these fentanyl related deaths was noted, you offered no real solution besides chastising the users and their parenting.
‘Strong man’ politics necessary

‘Strong man’ politics necessary

God and Godbout forgive me, but yes, we need at least one more epilogue on the historic win of Donald J. Trump. If you don't think so, skip this column, but do so at your peril.
Full disclosure

Full disclosure

Academics and journalists share the same passion for knowledge.
Academics, students make five suggestions for PM

Academics, students make five suggestions for PM

An open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: It is an exciting time to be a scientist in Canada. We celebrated when you restored the long-form census, increased basic research funding, and encouraged federal scientists to speak freely.
Washington offers look at pot future

Washington offers look at pot future

The first guy through the pot shop door Wednesday morning figured he had good reason to buy a joint. "I woke up to Trump as president," he said. Which, according to Washington state law, is a perfectly valid reason for getting high.
EI benefits not enough to live on

EI benefits not enough to live on

It is out of extreme displeasure for the Employment Insurance system we have in British Columbia that I am writing this.
Environment to be a factor in B.C. election

Environment to be a factor in B.C. election

When a British Monarch dies, there is a chant arising from the populace which goes something like "The King is dead. Long live the King.
Strange partners

Strange partners

Picture this: Rachel Notley and Donald Trump shaking hands, smiling big for the cameras and praising each other for their commitment to growing the economy, creating jobs and Making Alberta/America Great Again. Don't dismiss the idea.
Fall work makes spring a breeze

Fall work makes spring a breeze

The recent mild temperatures have been welcomed by many of us, as we are still able to work outdoors and get a head start on next spring. In our yard at home, we have been able to cut all the perennials back to 10 to 15 centimetres from the ground.
Remembering their sacrifice

Remembering their sacrifice

This week we have remembered and honoured those who have served and fought on our behalf to keep our country free and protect other vulnerable people. Many have paid the ultimate price, sacrificing their lives for us.