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Environmental excitement!

Environmental excitement!

We are another week closer to the provincial election and the suspense is palatable. The excitement is building to a fevered pitch. It is all anyone can talk about! Except of course, it is not.
Finding hope in Trump grief

Finding hope in Trump grief

It is said that there are five stages of grieving - denial, anger, negotiation, depression and acceptance. In regards to Donald Trump's election as president of the United States, I am striving to reach the fifth stage. What seems to have put Mr.
Welcoming Christmas in shades of green

Welcoming Christmas in shades of green

You don't have to look far to see that Christmas is only a few weeks away. Decorating for the Christmas season is a great way to get into the Christmas spirit. Already you can see homes being decorated inside and outdoors.
Speed is killing wildlife

Speed is killing wildlife

North Kelly Road is not a race track or a drag strip. It's a main road through a rural residential area. Our residents use the road to walk their dogs, ride their bikes, jog and simply walk for exercise. The speed limit is 50 km/h, not 80 or 100.
Thank God for Trump

Thank God for Trump

With reference to the honourable Paul Serup's letter to the editor ("Endless Trump bashing," Nov. 11).
Donald Hitler or: How I predict the next American civil war

Donald Hitler or: How I predict the next American civil war

Wow! Here we go. This is really happening.
Coddling predators

Coddling predators

Another local man sentenced for child pornography this week, another finger wagging from the courts. In August, a 49-year-old man was sentenced to 90 days in jail, to be served Saturdays and Sunday, for possession of child pornography.
It’s not just about money

It’s not just about money

Can you feel better than a million bucks? Everyone wants to be a millionaire, or so they think. When I was younger, I too had that aspiration. A lot of people laughed at me. Especially one of my aunts.
Downtown parking fees unwelcome

Downtown parking fees unwelcome

Regarding the story about the new technology to issue parking tickets downtown. Parking has always been a problem downtown, at times made worse by some business owners and employees who basically hog the on-street parking.
CBC eating private media’s lunch

CBC eating private media’s lunch

Imagine, for a second, that Via Rail started a pizza delivery service. Canada already has plenty of pizza delivery businesses, of course. But those pizzamakers don't have what Via Rail does: A massive, recession-proof chest of public money.