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MP wrong about salmon

MP wrong about salmon

Greetings upstream Fraser neighbours. I would invite you to read what your MP, Todd Doherty, had to say about wild salmon and fish farms. I do not understand his bias. This is the worst year in history for salmon returning to our once great river.
Student society debt worrisome

Student society debt worrisome

It was recently revealed that UNBC's Northern Undergraduate Student Society is facing a $100,000 debt, much of it owing to BC Transit for the student bus pass. As a UNBC graduate, this is concerning to me.
In Kansas on election eve

In Kansas on election eve

Stepping off the plane into the land of Oz was a strange experience. The air was more reminiscent of a tropical destination. This time of year is usually characterized by 10-12 degree Celsius days and chances of snow.
Are you Trumping me?

Are you Trumping me?

Tree. Rope. Journalist. Some assembly required. That was the saying on the back of a black T-shirt a man wore at a Donald Trump rally. The man's face can't be seen but he's obviously white.
Splitting hairs over assault rifle definition

Splitting hairs over assault rifle definition

The U.S. Army defines assault rifles as "short, compact, selective-fire weapons that fire a cartridge intermediate in power between submachine gun and rifle cartridges.
What to watch for in U.S. election

What to watch for in U.S. election

Last Wednesday evening, I participated in an event called Elections 101 at the Bob Harkins branch of the Prince George Library.
Parking plan reasonable

Parking plan reasonable

If weather is a conversation starter for Prince George residents, then parking is a local argument starter, a guaranteed way to incite high emotions and raised voices.
Knowing when to close up shop

Knowing when to close up shop

I have a friend who is in the hospital. I have no doubt that the stress of running his struggling business was a contributing factor in his illness. The fact that his business is in trouble is not his fault.
Grow up, Citizen youngsters

Grow up, Citizen youngsters

So The Citizen staff thinks that someone who is 68 years old should be referred to as elderly or a codger, as reported in the Tuesday Citizen about a 68-year-old man? Think again, you youngsters.
Site C financing transparent

Site C financing transparent

Re: Site C to pay for itself over 70 years An article in The Prince George Citizen is wrong to suggest that the 70-year economic life applied to Site C was not made public by BC Hydro.