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Opinion: Yes, I cried when my child got her COVID-19 vaccine. This is why.

Opinion: Yes, I cried when my child got her COVID-19 vaccine. This is why.

One reporter mom's response to those who ask: Why are you crying over a jab?
Jack Knox: How bad is it? Other Canadians feel sorry for us

Jack Knox: How bad is it? Other Canadians feel sorry for us

Opinion: City must get tough with feds

Opinion: City must get tough with feds

Publicly standing up on behalf of Prince George, its taxpayers and its police officers to the federal government will require political nerve and courage from mayor and council.
Opinion: Forced removal at Moccasin Flats a human rights concern

Opinion: Forced removal at Moccasin Flats a human rights concern

The evidence is clear: Criminalizing dehoused individuals perpetuates homelessness. As does violence enacted against them.
Letter to the editor: Getting vaccinated ‘plain common sense’

Letter to the editor: Getting vaccinated ‘plain common sense’

For those of us that agree with the Covid-19 vaccination, it is anything but government takeover.
Letter to the editor: Turnoff letter a turn off

Letter to the editor: Turnoff letter a turn off

I agree coming from the Vanderhoof side it's a good view, however it's downhill, a broken line for passing, and the turn onto Lloyd at around a 60 degree onto the road forces you to slow down to do the turn.
Letter to the editor: Logging practices aren’t sustainable

Letter to the editor: Logging practices aren’t sustainable

Watching recent news, one might think the NDP’s logging deferrals were the death knell of the logging industry.
Letter to the editor: Christians should try being more Christ-like

Letter to the editor: Christians should try being more Christ-like

For the second year in a row, we’re unable to physically gather during Advent, a time of contemplation leading up to Christmas.
Letter to the editor: Centennial Park mural should stay

Letter to the editor: Centennial Park mural should stay

The mosaics illustrate our local history - Simon Fraser arriving in the early 1800s, the gold miners of 1860, the BX sternwheeler in 1913, the Grand trunk railway in 1914 and the Catholic missions in 1840.
Letter to the editor: PG on the right path to helping homeless

Letter to the editor: PG on the right path to helping homeless

In Prince George, part of a solution is already underway.