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Book reviews

Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer Eating Animals, by Jonathan Safran Foer, is a semi-autobiographical examination of the issues involved with eating meat.
Hotel proud of environmental effort

Hotel proud of environmental effort

Re: Letter to the Editor, June 14, 2010, "Carbon offsets don't really deal with problem" I was disappointed to read Laurie Saindon's misinformed criticism of the Coast Inn of the North's carbon offset program. Contrary to Ms.
Families of lost hikers grateful to everyone who helped in search

Families of lost hikers grateful to everyone who helped in search

On June 14, a search and rescue operation was carried out to locate three hikers in Sugarbowl-Grizzly Den. As the respective families, we would like to extend our sincerest thanks to all parties involved.
Beware of sticky fingers at airports

Beware of sticky fingers at airports

I recently travelled to Toronto. Packing in a hurry, I made a bad judgment and put my deceased wife's custom jewelry into my check-in luggage instead of my carry on.
We must find alternatives to carbon-based fuels

We must find alternatives to carbon-based fuels

Todd Whitcombe As I See It In the "Upside of Down," Thomas Homer-Dixon points out that at the height of construction of the Roman Coliseum, 5.
‘The rule of the people’

‘The rule of the people’

First, I'd like to pay tribute to the anti-HST organizers and supporters of British Columbia. I'm both grateful and proud of your efforts.
Just like kids, kittens have baby teeth, too

Just like kids, kittens have baby teeth, too

Animal Tracks Kathi Travers Chris asked: My five-month-old kitten lost a major canine fang on his left side. A month later there was another one growing in its place.
Where’s Polak’s head at?

Where’s Polak’s head at?

Paul Wilcocks In Victoria It's tough to figure out what Children's Minister Mary Polak was thinking. The Representative for Children and Youth had just released a detailed audit of a government child support program that found many problems.
Area schools preparing for end of classes

Area schools preparing for end of classes

The last few weeks of school are here and Vanway has been very busy with dance performances, field trips and with the Grade 7 year-end graduation dinner.
Don’t wine for me Argentina

Don’t wine for me Argentina

Wine can appeal to every taste and budget. Great wines do not need to be expensive but they do need to taste like real care and attention was taken with their production.