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Summer: It can often be the most trying of times

Clergy Comment Alan Bromley International Student Ministries We expect sunny skies and balmy temperatures in summer, but we may also get a shock. Storms beset us. A dam breaks near Oliver and homes are swept away and orchards covered in mud.

Clergy Comment

Alan Bromley

International Student Ministries

We expect sunny skies and balmy temperatures in summer, but we may also get a shock.

Storms beset us. A dam breaks near Oliver and homes are swept away and orchards covered in mud. Yorkton is pounded by a deluge that floods the city. Forest fires or tornadoes threaten other communities.

Summer can bring heartbreak and tragedy.

This week a friend has experienced a tornado blowing his family apart. It is painful to watch him try to pick up the pieces of his shattered life. The storm may be a health crisis, a loss of job, family conflict or loss of a loved one. For those around us it is summer, but we are experiencing severe and violent storms.

How can we cope?

Today a student was preparing a presentation on dealing with depression. He asked if the Bible had anything to say on this topic. Depression is often linked with trials and hardship - the storms of life we experience.

We spent more than an hour exploring scriptures on this topic. We learned that trials may make us "bitter" or "better." If we react negatively with anger against others and/or God, striking out at others or wallowing in self-pity, we will end up hard and bitter.

But God wants to use the hard things of life to make us better. Paul says, "We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us - they help us learn to endure.

"And endurance develops strength of character in us, and character strengthens our confident expectation of salvation. And this expectation will not disappoint us.

"For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love."

Trials develop Godly character and deepen our trust in God. We may experience God's love far more deeply in times of trial. We learn to focus on our eternal hope rather than on material things.

Yes, storms can make us better.

Many psalms were written in the midst of trials or depression. They begin with a cry of despair or call for help. They describe their turmoil and pain, but then start to look at the bigger picture.

They reflect on how God has met them in the past. Then they look again at their present circumstances and realize that God can be trusted and He will give them strength.

In Psalms 42 and 43, a refrain is repeated three times, "Why am I discouraged? Why so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again - my Savior and my God."

I have been amazed at my friend this week. There has been searing pain. There have been tears. but these have been surpassed by an unshakeable trust in God.

His love for God is deeper and he is able to praise God while experiencing the most violent storm of his life.