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Let the HST stand on facts

Let the HST stand on facts

Mr. Whitcombe, One of the issues around the HST implementation was misinformation, yet your article only adds further disinformation.
No raises until costs under control

No raises until costs under control

To the mayor and council, I think it is very appalling that just a couple a months ago you had to raise taxes because we had no money to fix infrastructure in our city, then you give yourselves a raise.
Skakun should resign

Skakun should resign

Well Mr. Skakun, you were found guilty in a court of law on releasing confidential information, even though you already admitted to it in your court hearing.
Pay dirt

Pay dirt

Billionaire Warren Buffet, a man whose knows a thing or to about return on investment, once said that "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.
Students get busy

Students get busy

Students in the TAPS program from the Centre for Learning Alternatives have been busy the last while.
'Wrong' is wrong

'Wrong' is wrong

Your headline confuses doing something outside legal statutes with actually being wrong. ("Brian's Wrong," The Citizen, May 25).
Apocalypse then

Apocalypse then

Everyone is "asking what is up with the world these days"? Greenhouse gasses, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes. It's like 2012 already! I'm telling you right now, those people with the end of the world calendar 12/12/12 are wrong.
God's got nothing to do with it

God's got nothing to do with it

Your news story "District issues riverbank warning," May 18, included a quote, "insurance does not cover acts of God." In fact, insurance companies do not use the term.
The right to be heard

The right to be heard

Ezra Levant is not a household name, but - if you're not already aware of him - you'll be forgiven for pausing a moment to wonder why the name sounds familiar. And then you can thank the Alberta Human Rights Commission.
Not buying into HST

Not buying into HST

I am not surprised at the arrogance of our provincial government for spending millions of our tax dollars to tell us again and again how wonderful the HST is and how we are too stupid to see it.