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Pipeline speakers

Regional speakers are making a pipeline tour to provide information about pipelines and oil spills to communities along the proposed Enbridge Northern Pipeline and Tanker route, starting tonight in Prince George at the University of British Columbia.
Boone confirmed as NDP candidate in Prince George-Peace River

Boone confirmed as NDP candidate in Prince George-Peace River

Saying she's "serious, focussed and here to win," current school board trustee and former provincial MLA Lois Boone accepted Saturday the nomination to run for the New Democratic Party in the now-vacated Prince George-Peace River federal riding.
Law firm launching class action over Taseko share imbroglio

Law firm launching class action over Taseko share imbroglio

The law firm that won a $49-million settlement for Hollinger shareholders is organizing a class action lawsuit on behalf of those holding stock in Taseko Mines Ltd. following the mysterious drop in the company's share price last month.

Serving hearing impaired

The Deaf Children's Society in Prince George has changed its name to The Northern BC Children and Families Hearing Society. "We are celebrating the society's change of name to one that better reflects our mandate," said Julie MacMillan, president.

Young actor takes DVD role

Prince George resident Ameko Carroll is just four years old and has already been in three movies. This young boy will also appear in a new Disney direct-to-DVD film called Search for Santa Paws which will be released on Tuesday.

Interim vice principal appointed at Aboriginal Choice School

A new vice principal is in place at the Aboriginal Choice School. Stacey Wakabayashi was appointed to the position this week on a half-time, interim basis.

Pastor survives near-miss with moose

A Prince George pastor is lucky to survive hitting a moose on his way home from Quesnel along Highway 97.

Downtown drug busts

RCMP Downtown Enforcement Unit in Prince George are making one drug bust after the other in the heart of the city.
CNC unveils official Scottish tartan

CNC unveils official Scottish tartan

College of New Caledonia board members got their first look at the college's official tartan Friday, during their board meeting.

Downtown drug busts

RCMP Downtown Enforcement Unit in Prince George are making one drug bust after the other in the heart of the city.