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Opinion: Privacy concerns can't be used as an excuse to withhold public information

Opinion: Privacy concerns can't be used as an excuse to withhold public information

Tim Shoults with the NewsMedia Association argues information is tightly controlled and guarded by the B.C government. "Our members find the complete government control of information and the narrative around the pandemic to be concerning."
Opinion: Why Vladimir Putin is botching his Ukrainian invasion

Opinion: Why Vladimir Putin is botching his Ukrainian invasion

As Russia’s war against Ukraine unfolds, Putin’s errors become perceptible. That’s because he’s faced few constraints to his power
Todd Whitcombe: Who turned losers into a bad word?

Todd Whitcombe: Who turned losers into a bad word?

When loser is used in the way it is intended to be used, it is just part of life. You win some and you lose some. Losing shouldn’t and doesn’t define us.
Letter from Ukraine: Exhausted in Kyiv

Letter from Ukraine: Exhausted in Kyiv

"War is a state when you forget what sleeping is. You sleep three to four hours a day. You are tired, but you cannot sleep anymore."
Opinion: How the war in Ukraine will affect food prices

Opinion: How the war in Ukraine will affect food prices

The Russian invasion of Ukraine will have global impacts far beyond the region directly involved in the fighting. Food prices will increase, and the effects will be felt by the most vulnerable.
Neil Godbout: Questions for Canfor

Neil Godbout: Questions for Canfor

While everyone’s arguing about whether the word “losers” should apply to repeat criminals committing minor offences like vandalism and mischief, who’s laughing all the way to the bank?
Letter to the editor: Another city cost overrun

Letter to the editor: Another city cost overrun

Why would we spend $750,000 on a washroom that gets used at most four months of the year?
Letter to the editor: Politicians have tough job

Letter to the editor: Politicians have tough job

Special thanks to those mayors, regional district chairs, ministers (provincial and federal), and the prime minister and premier who have had to make difficult decisions over the last couple of years.
Letter to the editor: No more CERB causing crime?

Letter to the editor: No more CERB causing crime?

Now with no more extra funds and their addiction totally out of control they are resorting to crime to supplement what they were getting from the government at the height of the pandemic.
Letter to the editor: How to fix the Olympics

Letter to the editor: How to fix the Olympics

There should be two Olympic organizations. We can keep the old organization and call it the Dirty Olympics or the Russian Olympics or Putin’s Playground.