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Lotteries boss needs to come clean

Lotteries boss needs to come clean

Paul Willcocks In Victoria Sometimes you have to call people on the rubbish they speak. The B.C. Lottery Corp. scandal is one of those times. Start with Michael Graydon, the $300,000-a-year CEO.
MLAs should support seniors

MLAs should support seniors

I have the pleasure of visiting our seniors recreation centres in Prince George on a regular basis.


Instead of our MLA Shirley Bond being worried about a brake being out of adjustment maybe she should concern herself with the rates that truckers are working for. I am sure that most truckers will agree with me.
More than one success story

More than one success story

I do not wish to dispute the success of Baldy Hughes as described in Friday's editorial "Little Big Man." I do dispute the statements made about other treatment centres, seemingly in an effort to make Baldy Hughes look better.
Outrageous behaviour

Outrageous behaviour

Bruce Whitestone Canada's Business If you had to pick something that marked the turning point for the financial community, you undoubtedly would choose the scandal surrounding that leading Wall Street firm, Goldman Sachs.
Literacy: Got to celebrate it

Literacy: Got to celebrate it

Jack Knox Slightly Skewed For those keeping score at home, here's where we sit as Sarah Palin continues to justificiciate her abuseling of the English language: Last weekend, America's favourite future president/train wreck tweeted her desire for Mus
Be courteous

Be courteous

I am a parent to four teens, two of whom are learning to drive. What I have experienced from some drivers in our city is the complete lack of respect afforded to new drivers.
Sharing the road

Sharing the road

A number of Citizen issues ago, I read an article about motorists sharing our P.G. roads with bicyclists. I thought the story to be both thoughtful and considerate for those on bicycles.
Dear P.G. drivers

Dear P.G. drivers

Summer time is here concerning streets and highway speeds 50km - 60 km is mainly the speed limit here? Aggressive driving and paying attention to the road is what every one needs to do more of here in Prince George. Lyle Willis Prince George
Article in the Black

Article in the Black

Serena Black's article about Mail Art and the exhibition at Island Mountain Arts gallery was really well written and researched. I know a little about Mail Art, my daughter is an art teacher who taught students mail art.