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Nurses always stronger when they stand together

Nurses always stronger when they stand together

The Aug. 31 article in The Prince George Citizen (Nurse vs. Nurse) may leave readers with the impression that BCNU doesn't encourage robust membership debate on the issue of unifying nurses. The reality is quite the contrary.
Parent wants to carpool

Parent wants to carpool

I have just been told by the school district and Diversified Transportation that there is no bus to take my kids to school. Now, if they were in elementary school there would be.
Fair to middlinÂ’ at the fall fair

Fair to middlinÂ’ at the fall fair

Jack Knox Slightly Skewed Hmm, what to do this weekend? Maybe go see Eat, Pray, Love at the movies. No, better to wait for the guy version: Eat, Prey, Shoot. Julia Roberts and Sylvester Stallone, together at last. Better idea still: The fall fair.
More to HST debate than meets the eye

More to HST debate than meets the eye

"Transparency" and "openness". Those were the promises in the infamous "New Era Document" from the 2001 election.
Performing arts centre is still needed

Performing arts centre is still needed

Perhaps through some miracle of modern newspaper graphics software my recent letter to the editor on the topic of sustainability of the arts community ended up on the same page as a Citizen editorial demanding an end to the planning of a proposed reg
CNIB golf tourney was a big success

CNIB golf tourney was a big success

Thank you to all the golfers and donors who supported the 3rd annual Twilight Golf Tournament at Alder Hills. The event raised more than $2,000 for CNIB's services for people who are blind or partially-sighted.
Citizen just being honest

Citizen just being honest

As a mother and human being, I realize the opinion column is exactly that - your opinion. But I, for one, am really tired of hearing people slamming The Citizen for giving us our local news.
The carbon atom goes round and round, and it comes out here

The carbon atom goes round and round, and it comes out here

Science and You Todd Whitcombe Dear Reader: Please note that this column ends in an "arrow" pointing to the carbon atom that is the central feature of the column.
Ex-northerners gathering in Summerland Sept. 12

Ex-northerners gathering in Summerland Sept. 12

There are many former residents of the Vanderhoof and Fort St. James areas of B.C. who are now living the Okanagan.
Fall colour options

Fall colour options

Gardening Jos Van Hage The summer landscape is full of colour and it does not have to end after the first killing frost.