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Restasurant service great most of time

Restasurant service great most of time

Not sure if this is true, but it makes sense. I had read somewhere that in the old days the tip was paid up front to "insure" a good experience, hence the acronym for TIP "To Insure Promptness".
Letter was a cruel hoax

Letter was a cruel hoax

Re: Letter to the Editor in the Prince George Citizen dated January 15th, with the author indicated as Doreen Spence I am sick to my stomach as I write this letter, sicker than I have felt in a long, long time.
Horrified by photo of mayor

Horrified by photo of mayor

I am absolutely horrified that our Mayor would be photographed attending a Gay/Straight Alliance meeting and appear on the front page of our newspaper. I am very sorry that I voted for Mr. Rogers.
At least Dan Rogers was the one wearing the pants!

At least Dan Rogers was the one wearing the pants!

Re: Breaking Down Barriers, January 8th, 2010 It concerns me that the Mayor of Prince George, Dan Rogers, made the front page of Friday, January 8th's Citizen together with Travis Shaw, dressed to look like a woman.
Indignant cries ignorant of facts

Indignant cries ignorant of facts

CNC's decision to fill certain positions in the future with an aboriginal-first hiring policy is long overdue.
Mayor not afraid to buck trend

Mayor not afraid to buck trend

One of the duties of being a politician is meeting and greeting with different people, groups and organizations in your political territory, and recently Mayor Dan Rogers met with another group of young people in this city.
Poor service common in P.G.

Poor service common in P.G.

As a former server myself I felt I had to reply to yesterday's letter. Tips are not a guarantee in all restaurants. If they were, then they would be added on to the bill.
Indoor soccer an eye opener for team, fans

Indoor soccer an eye opener for team, fans

There were a lot of expectations for the first professional sports franchise in Prince George over the weekend, unfortunately those expectations were that the team would be hammered by not only the Tacoma Stars who they played on the weekend, but by
If you don’t like the job, find another one

If you don’t like the job, find another one

In response to '" Servers treated poorly " in wednesday's Citizen, I would like to say. Hannah Cameron is quick to include in the letter " the majority of people in Prince George are clueless and/or inconsiderate.
Teachers reject FSA testing

Teachers reject FSA testing

Once again, the Ministry of Education is subjecting students and schools to another round of the Foundation Skills Assessments (FSA).