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Billionaires bolster bankruptcies: UNBC speaker

Billionaires bolster bankruptcies: UNBC speaker

“Canada’s Michael Moore” is coming to UNBC.
A new journey for Aboriginal children

A new journey for Aboriginal children

When the Nezul Be Hunuyeh - Child and Family Services Society (CFSS) office opened in Prince George in Oct., 2010, it was a historic event for Aboriginal children and their families.
Francofun festival Sugar Shack

Francofun festival Sugar Shack

The Sugar Shack, a part of the 26th Winterfest at Le Cercle des Canadiens Francais, took place Monday.
Meerholz deportation delayed a week

Meerholz deportation delayed a week

A Prince George man who has been linked to the local gang scene is slated to be deported to South Africa on Monday, Feb. 8, a move his fiance's mother, Debbie Freake, says is unjust given he's lived in this country since he was 10 years old.

Dog-bitten man identified

A Prince George man who was bitten by a police dog when he fled from a police-attempted arrest Sunday has been identified as 29-year-old Jesse Dayton Lockhart.

Enbridge maintains its responsible for Michigan oil spill

Enbridge is arguing in a Michigan court it is not legally liable for damages from its spill oil spill last summer. "No one has to sue Enbridge to be made whole," said Enbridge spokesperson Terri Larson.

First air advisory of 2011 cancelled

The first air quality advisory of the year was cancelled this morning just less than 24 hours after it had been issued.

Coin collectors beware

Coin collectors are being warned of a substantial increase in numbers of counterfeit Canadian coins that are surfacing on the Internet at coin shows across the nation. On Feb.

Distracted drivers in the spotlight

RCMP in North District Traffic Services are cracking down on drivers who are distracted on the road.

Extremists could take power in Egypt

The Muslim Brotherhood, a hardline faction of Islamic followers with ties all over the Arab world, appears to be circling Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak like sharks.