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Prince George’s Monday city council meeting going ahead as planned

But remember, you can also livestream from home
Council chambers at city hall. (via City of Prince George)

Monday’s (March 23) city council meeting is going ahead with a few changes to accommodate social distancing.

As provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry has ordered to limit gatherings to no more than 50 people in order to combat COVID-19, council is making adjustments to ensure there’s appropriate distance between individuals.

Councillors attending in-person will be seated with one empty chair between them and only required staff will attend and participate in the meeting.

Every regular council meeting is also live-streamed on the city’s website, so you can watch the whole thing from the comfort of home.

Council chambers will also be sanitized as per the enhanced cleaning protocol that’s been implemented for civic facilities, which involves using World Health Organization (WHO) cleaning standards and recommended products.

Anyone from the public who wishes to attend the meetings in person and sit in the gallery will have to sit two metres apart from others.

However, public hearings for planning and land use-related bylaws will continue to be scheduled.

Anyone who is uncomfortable being present in council chambers can also submit written comment, but must be submitted the Tuesday prior to the council meeting in order to be included on the agenda.

Those who miss the deadline, however, can still get a word in as written comments submitted after this date will be provided to council on the day of the public hearing for consideration.

Submissions may be sent by email to [email protected], faxed to 250-561-0183, or mailed/delivered to city hall prior to the start of the hearing.

The next public meeting of Prince George City Council is on Monday, March, 23 at 6 p.m.

The agenda for the meeting, as well as other information about council meetings and communicating with members of council, is available at