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Prince George encouraged to share #LoveFromTheWest for prizes

Telus launches #LoveFromTheWest social media contest
Telus is encouraging people to share their love of the west on social media through the #LoveFromTheWest campaign.

Prince George residents have the chance to win a bunch of prizes for sharing their love of Western Canada.

Telus has launched a new social media contest called #LoveFromTheWest encouraging Western Canadians to embrace their love for the place they call home.

From April 11 to May 12 Telus is encouraging is encouraging Western Canadians to share what they love most about the West - whether it’s through a scenic photo, video, or written note - on their Facebook or Instagram profile, with the hashtag #LoveFromTheWest and @telus tag. 

Once the contest wraps up, Telus will announce two lucky winners, one in Albert and one in B.C.

They will each receive $2,500 to give to a local charity of their choice and $2,500 to help them explore the West however they’d like - a trip to the mountains, a journey to the Pacific coastline, a staycation or whatever suits their fancy.

To help each winner relax at home, they will also win a brand-new Samsung smart TV.

You can find out more information about the contest rules on Telus’ website.