The story of Baba Yaga will be at the centre of a performance at today by a quartet of Prince George Symphony Orchestra musicians at the Prince George Public Library's Bob Harkins branch, 2 p.m. start.
Baba Yaga's Hut is one of the images behind Mussorgsky's famous "Pictures at an Exhibition", which will be performed at the PGSO's next concert on Feb. 6.
Baba Yaga is a famous, fictitious Russian witch who lives in a house made of bones that walks by itself on a pair or scrawny chicken legs. There is an abundance of children's stories full of bravery, trickery, magic and happy endings based on the Baba Yaga yarn.
This event, which comes complete with a slide show, is made possible through the support of the Nechako Rotary Club and the City of Prince George.