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Mission to reduce carbon footprint

From turning off lights to decreasing travel, Northern Health is on a serious mission to reduce its carbon footprint in the North.

From turning off lights to decreasing travel, Northern Health is on a serious mission to reduce its carbon footprint in the North.

Steve Raper, NH communications manager, said NH's "energy reduction target of 15 per cent over three years" will pay off annually in both costs and energy savings.

Starting expense to implement or update projects and ideas has not affected NH's budget since the money comes though government grant opportunities and corporations like BC Hydo and Terasen Gas. "It's all been incentive or targeted money," said Albert Sommerfeld, NH regional director of engineering services, who noted the cost savings will be redirected into health care.

Sommerfeld identified a number of energy-saving measures being undertaken by NH. Read what they are in The Citizen.